Stereotype/Related Articles

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A list of Citizendium articles, and planned articles, about Stereotype.
See also changes related to Stereotype, or pages that link to Stereotype or to this page or whose text contains "Stereotype".

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  • Arudou Debito [r]: (有道出人) Japanese human rights activist, teacher and author; born and brought up in the United States, he became a naturalised Japanese citizen in 2000 (born 1965). [e]
  • Fear, uncertainty and doubt [r]: Add brief definition or description
  • Gender [r]: Gender is most often attributed to human beings or mammals as a dynamic, complex aggregate of learned behaviors and social or cultural constructs. Gender is distinguished from physiological and reproductive sexual traits, i.e. that individuals are male or female. [e]
  • Prejudice [r]: An unjustifiable bias in favour of or against a particular individual or group. [e]
  • Received Pronunciation [r]: British English accent that developed in educational institutions in the nineteenth century and is associated with the wealthy and powerful in the United Kingdom, rather than a geographic region, and which few British people actually use; 'refined' RP, even rarer, is colloquially referred to as 'posh'. [e]
  • Superhero [r]: Fictional figure, especially in a comic strip or cartoon, endowed with superhuman powers and usually portrayed as fighting evil or crime. [e]
  • Yorkshire [r]: Region of northern England and the United Kingdom. [e]